The Tapehead Reviews

Tape and DVD reviews for mostly non-main stream movies, with emphasis on SiFi and Horror flicks with a not completely serious attitude.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Infested (2002): It appears that a few people got together and invested in Infested and came up with a half decent little thriller. The movie starts out very much like a low budget version of ‘The Big Chill’ with a bunch of angst driven yuppies driving home to attend a funeral for one of their friends. While engaged in talking about their ‘problems’, a few mutant flies show up and soon the yuppies realize their former problems pale compared to the problem of surviving an encounter with these little beasties. Instead of having the bugs eat people as in most movies of this type, the flies inhabit the victims and kind of control them so that what you end up with is a modified zombie movie but it is done with some wit and a low budget style.
Soon, several fly controlled yuppies are battling the remaining angst driven yuppies. The fly controlled group seems to have an advantage since you appear to be able to knock their heads off without having a large affect on their ability to strangle you. The angst group soon finds out that the flies can only live a short while outside a body when exposed to light. However, soon the fly controlled group starts growing while there are less angsters to fight back. Cast depopulation is appalling and only one gal makes it out at the end. I did seem to spot a technical error near the end where a fly gal seen getting cut in half when run over by an angster in an SUV, shows up in one piece in the background for the big finish. That was a minor problem and the movie, while not a classic, should give mutant bug fanciers a good rent. The movie was rated R for: brief breastulation, oral fly invasions, spitting up flies, showering with flies, flies multiplying like rabbits, exploding flies, fly girls, fireplace poker spearing, head removal with minimal effect, multiple hits by SUV, and for multiple vominations of large quantities of red stuff.



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